Thursday 10 April 2014


So I just finished my shower.
Had a hardcore workout session with le Youtube.

I need a workout buddy like either Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone.
Determined, motivated, and HARDCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And get my hot body and be sexy and everybody be like JEALOUS JEALOUS JELLY.

Dat ass.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I want that ass and small waist.
Anyway, that is not the point.

Just now when I had my shower,
I was thinking about the title/theme for my blog post today.
I hang the shower head, and I just stand and let the water hit my back.
I thought of writing about places I wanted to go, but then,
I GOT NO MONEY. So I gave up on that title.
I thought about writing my ambition.
Dafuq I got no mood to write about my ambition.
I thought of writing about my choice of music,
I can predict it's gonna be along one, so I thought about the content first.

All of the sudden...

"Why my eye feel so pokey?"

When I turn around and look at the mirror,

An eyelash STICK at my eyeball.
Why will an eyelash stick at my eyeball.
I double triple four-ple five-ple look at the mirror,
An eyelash did stick at my eyeball.
And it's poking my eye.
I thought eyelash suppose to keep things out of my eye. 

I tried to wash my eye with the shower head.
And I hope it will wash the eyelash away.
But instead of that,
my eye was over washed, it hurts.

It feels like that.
My eye is the car.
I can't take it anymore,
that hair is going into my eye, I panic, I almost scream in the bathroom,
Therefore, I push my eyeball.

This is one moment that I hope I can cry so my tears can wash that hair our of my eye.
I pushed and pushed and pushed,
I can feel my eyeball is gonna fly now anytime.
Because this thing is scaring the shit out of me,
I don't wanna end up like Nick Fury,
I choose a much gentle way - Rub my eye.

I rub and rub and rub,
and I found an eyelash stick at my finger.
I'm a little happy because an eyelash stick at my finger.
Another thing is, is that the eyelash who stick in my eye, or a NEW eyelash.

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